Supported apps

Apps with integration built-in for Pipeline and apps that have been tested to work with Pipeline

Explore a variety of applications designed for smooth integration with Pipeline. These app developers have tested their apps to ensure compatibility with Pipeline:

Application Developers

To list your app as a supported and tested app your app must be listed on the Shopify app store with 100+ positive reviews. You can contact us to start this process. Please have a development store with your app installed and running. When you get in touch we will send a collaborator request to your development store. We will upload a copy of the theme to your development store where we can both test and verify that the app works. If minor adjustments are needed, like a new API event in the theme or a unique ID on a form, we can usually accommodate those needs.

Note that not all apps will be approved. Pipeline requires apps to fit the design elements of the theme and function cleanly when installed. Apps that are not used by a large portion or our customer base will not be tested by our team.

We will not accept any affiliate programs. Groupthought has no financial relationship with the apps listed here.

Last updated