Countdown timer

Introduced in Pipeline 7.2

A countdown time can help bring a sense of urgency to your shopper. Add the countdown timer block to your image banner or other text section and customize it with rich features:

Countdown settings

Customize the countdown timer based on your store's timezone setting.

End time

Choose a date and time to end the promotion.

Expired time

  • Once the countdown has reached the end time, you can display a custom message to your shoppers:

  • Another option is to hide the section from your store completely. It is ideal for creating a promotional banner and having it expire automatically.

Text sizes

Use the range sliders to customize the countdown text size for desktop and mobile.

Text words

To customize the countdown text for Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds - Use the Default theme content editor.

  • Click on the ellipsis icon (three dots) and choose Edit default theme content:

  • When the editor loads, type in countdown into the filter box to quickly find the text for the countdown text options:

  • Modify the text and Save. These changes will apply to all countdown modules in the store.

Last updated